A site-specific report is crucial in allowing for accurate system sizing and correct PV and/or battery plant design. CPI Sustainable Energy Solutions uses industry standard design techniques considering numerous factors that influence the correct power plant design. These include the geographical location, actual solar irradiation and expected sun hours of the prospective client’s site, battery efficiencies, equipment, and cable losses, mounting data and of course the electrical consumption quantity and quality.
For CPI Sustainable Energy Solutions to be able to obtain accurate and relevant electrical energy data from the perspective customer, we install a data logger on site for a minimum of 7 full days. This enables us to correctly size and design a PV and/or battery power plant system to the customer’s specific requirements. The data captured includes the daily energy consumption profile (day-time as opposed to night-time hours), maximum demand, minimum and maximum voltages and currents as well as the site’s power factor.
The captured data is then used to generate a report and graphs the exact energy usage profile of the consumer. CPI Sustainable Energy Solutions then recommend possible energy saving options prior to the design process in order to reduce the PV system size and also to improve the efficiency and optimisation of the power plant.